According to recent research from the Harvard Medical School, there is a link between the development of pancreatic cancer and the presence gum disease. Pancreatic cancer kills about 40,000 people every year, and is difficult to treat. In the study, men with periodontal disease had a 64% higher likelihood of developing the cancer.
Regardless of whether or not you are concerned about pancreatic cancer, there are many benefits to regularly visiting a dentist. Like anything, dentistry is sometimes the victim of rumor. Here are three commonly believed falsehoods regarding dental care tips, and what you should do instead.
1. Aspirin Can Help a Toothache if Placed Next to the Tooth
This myth can be particularly damaging since it delays how long a patient waits before finally realizing the pain isn’t going away, and they need to see a dentist. Aspirin is only absorbed when it is consumed, allowing it to enter the bloodstream. It will do nothing next to your tooth. It’s also acidic, so if anything, holding it in your mouth can burn your tongue. Take an aspirin for the pain, then find a local dentist who can help put a stop to it.
2. Dental Tips for Kids Aren’t as Important
Did you know that 42% of children ages 2-11 have cavities in their primary teeth? Although it’s true they will eventually fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth, this doesn’t mean that cavities have no impact on oral health. Not only can they cause pain and swelling, but if the teeth fall out or are removed too early, children will have difficulties chewing and eating. On top of that, primary teeth set the space for adult teeth. Without them, crowding is more likely to occur.
3. A Dental Visit is Only Necessary When Something Hurts
At least 34% of people do not visit a dentist at least once a year, and sometimes, the problem is an “I’m fine until I’m not” attitude. The reality is that continual, consistent dental care is what keeps cavities and infection in check and at bay. Taking care of your teeth by going to the dentist will help prevent larger, more serious issues from occurring. Dentists can also give you instructions on how to keep teeth healthy. Not all issues are immediately evident, either; of the estimated 75% of Americans who have some form of gum disease, many are completely unaware.
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