All on four dental implants is a surgical and prosthetic dental procedure that can give you a completely new set of teeth in only a few hours. Four implants are placed strategically in the jaw, and a prosthesis with 12 to 14 teeth is set on the same day.
It’s hard to compete with the convenience and ease of all on four dental implants, especially for denture wearers who are tired of adhering and cleaning loose dentures. All on four gives you a permanent set of teeth that doesn’t slip or slide and is easy to clean and maintain just like you would regular teeth.
If you’re planning to ask a dentist about getting the procedure for yourself, it’s easy. All you have to really do is arrive for your appointment. Your specialist will listen to the problems you’ve been having with your teeth, bridges or dentures and tailor their assessment to address your concerns.
You should also provide your dentist with a list of any medications you take as well as a detailed medical history so they can asses the safety of any procedure they recommend and contact your physician if necessary.
During your first consultation, your specialist will discuss your problems and medical history in detail and perform an examination of your teeth, gums and jawbone, often using a 3D CT scan. If they determine that you’re a good candidate for the treatment, they’ll discuss it with you in detail, then make a mold of your dental arch to create a new set of teeth.
You’ll have a chance to set an appointment for your surgery and ask any questions you may have, such as how much all on four dental implants cost and what anesthetic will be used for the procedure. Read more about this topic at this link.