Do you have pressing questions about your dentures or your current need for dentures? Do you have questions such as- are dental implants the same as dentures? Do you need help figuring out the best way to protect your teeth and gums? If you said yes then you need expert help and guidance from one of the best cosmetic dentist teams in the area. Knowing what to do day in and day out to protect your oral health can have a huge impact on how you look and feel. It is something that needs to be taken very seriously.
Many dental care teams offer services related to the fitting and upkeep of dental prosthetics and offer a range of services and benefits, including affordable dentures warranty options. Your dental team can help you learn all about dentures, the pros and cons of these prosthetics, and whether you are a good candidate for them. They know what will and will not work for your specific dental needs and will work closely with you to develop a care plan that addresses all of your needs- even if dentures are not needed. So call your local dentist today and ask about their all-quality dentures and related services!
A shocking number of Americans today deal with tooth loss to some degree. According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, almost 70% of adults between 35 and 44 years old are missing at least one of their natural teeth, whether it’s due to tooth decay, an accident or gum disease.
No matter how you may have lost your tooth (or teeth), there is more than likely a cosmetic dentistry solution that will work for you.
Before you visit your local dentist to discuss how you plan to replace your teeth, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the types of dentures and dental implants that are out there — and decide which option works best for your individual needs.
Should you get dentures or dental implants? To find out, read this guide to the pros and cons of dentures vs. the pros and cons of dental implants:
The pros of dentures
Dentures are the less expensive option for those looking to correct their missing teeth on a budget. And because dentures are essentially full sets of teeth, they’re a good way for people who have lost all their natural teeth to replace them.
The pros of dental implants
With proper care, dental implants can literally last a lifetime — and once they’re successfully implanted, there is no additional maintenance or care required apart from your everyday dental hygiene routine. Dental implants preserve the structure of your facial bones and won’t slip or fall out of place.
The cons of dentures
Dentures require a fair amount of cleaning and maintenance on a daily basis. In addition, they can fall out of one’s mouth if extra care isn’t taken, creating an embarrassing situation. There are no types of dentures that can replace just one or two missing teeth.
The cons of dental implants
Any cosmetic dentist will tell you that the main drawback of dental implants is their cost. However, most, if not all dental practices offer financing plans that let you spread out the cost of these implants over a few months, making it more manageable for your budget.
Have any other questions for us about the types of dentures vs. dental crowns and implants? Feel free to ask by leaving a comment below. Links like this.