The care and keeping of your teeth is very important indeed, of this there is no question. After all, you only get one set of permanent teeth, making their value in your life very high indeed. For the quality and appearance of your teeth can actually have quite the pronounced effect on many other aspects of your life. For instance, up to 99% of all American adults very much feel that the overall quality and appearance of one’s teeth can impact them socially. And up to very nearly three quarters of all American adults also feel that good teeth can help your career progression and bad teeth, conversely, can end up hurting it, sometimes by even quite a great deal. Far too many people currently feel self conscious and even ashamed over the state of their teeth.
Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to keep your teeth looking great – or at least as healthy as they can possibly be. For instance, you can brush your teeth twice throughout the course of a day, using toothpaste that has fluoride in it and has been approved by the ADA. Sadly, far too few adults actually follow this guideline, with up to one quarter of all adults not brushing twice daily and sometimes not even brushing at all (and this is a statement that even holds true for a bigger portion of men – about one third of them). And even around one tenth of all American adults say that they forget to brush their teeth – often on a regular basis, for that matter.
So if you’re looking to better your oral health, fixing your dental hygiene habits is certainly a great step in the right direction. In addition to brushing twice throughout the course of a typical day, flossing is also something that will benefit you and will ideally be done at least once a day. And in addition to flossing and brushing, going in to see your family dentist is an absolute must.
Dentists provide a key and critical role in the care and keeping of your teeth. In fact, they are so important that it is recommended you go in for a dental check up at least every six months or so. The top dentists will not only be able to give your teeth the deep cleaning that they need, but they will be able to provide you with a thorough dental inspection as well. This will help to identify if there are any deeper problems, such as cavities, that will need to be rectified.
Fortunately, there are steps that dentists can take to improve the overall appearance of your mouth as well. Many dentists, for example, offer veneers. Veneers are put over your natural teeth and essentially replace them, once these natural teeth have been ground down to attach the veneers to them better. Veneers can improve the overall look of your mouth quite considerably and with a good set of veneers, you can transform your smile and your face. Trying to figure out what type of veneers will work best for you is hugely important and your dentist will be able to aid you in this process of not only selecting veneers, but actually getting veneers implanted.
In addition to veneers, dental implants can be ideal for those who have lost permanent teeth. A dental implant provides a permanent replacement for said tooth and, while these implants can be expensive, many find that they are very much worth it at the end of the day. After all, they have a success rate that is higher even than 95% and already more than three million people have at least one, if not more. That number is steadily growing too, with up to half of a million people getting dental implants with the passing of each and every year.
At the end of the day, there is just no denying that the care and keeping of your teeth is a hugely important thing. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can accomplish this, from brushing regularly to flossing nearly as regularly to going to the dentist at least once every six months. This will pay off immensely.